Sean's Notes

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The classic approach to selling services is as simple as it sounds. You offer a service that other businesses need, they reach out to you to get a quote, and you offer your service at a specific rate.

Example: A business needs a new website, they reach out to three different companies that offer this service for price quotes. The buyer weighs the different options and selects a provider based on varying factors - price, experience, perceived quality, among many others.

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risk & reward

In a traditional client | vendor relationship the "risk" involved in the project is shared by both. The client pays whole or in part for the service provided; reducing the risk taken by the vendor... The vendor (you) provides the service with the understanding that the fee paid is a flat rate, the rate generally will not increase or decrease. This fixed price reduces the risk for the client, they know exactly how much money they are risking against how much they hope to gain from completion of the project.