Sean's Notes

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YT What is a Note? by Linking Your Thinking

"Note taking vs. note making" Insight-Wisdom Knowledge-Management Note-Taking

A note can be one concept or a whole library of ideas. A note is a vehicle for a person's thoughts, in that they hold a special importance for the creator. Information hoarders are unable to explain the ideas they encounter because they are unable of articulating these concepts. When used well, our notes can be treasured memories; when used poorly, they can be overwhelming and hinder us from having meaningful conversations. - Source

when we talk about a note we're really talking about containers of thought

a note is a container of thought that has meaning for the person who made

Instead of just hoarding information like an addict, what if we took just a bit of it a sliver of something that is interesting or meaningful, and we chewed on it, savored it, digested it to mix metaphors. What if we wrestled with it, you know, got to know it in such a way that we could explain it to a friend