Sean's Notes

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inbound vs. outbound

Inbound Marketing - creating front end marketing pieces to bring leads to your business to sort, follow up with, and close. Ideal for highly systematized business with similar deliverables. Generally the method utilized in the classic approach to providing services.

Inbound marketing faces the unique challenge of trying to find the right kinds of clients, you're reliant on your marketing efforts to attract your perfect client avatar; good for systematized businesses; bad for boutique types of services.

Outbound Marketing - using front end marketing pieces to establish authority while actively seeking out prefered client types and soliciting them for your services. Akin to Direct Marketing and cold calling.

Referenced in

The Age of The Growth Agent
  1. [Hybrid Approach] A hybrid approach of the above two options, along with a unique approach to client selection is the third approach. By shifting focus from inbound to outbound marketing & sales you can mitigate many of the issues that come with both the traditional & boutique approaches... As you will see this shift in strategy can provide you with a new and insightful way to approach how you sell & provide your services.