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Field Report 5: How I Prepare Reading and Processing Effective Notetaking by Fiona McPherson

Key Points Extracted

On Processing a Book to Add to your knowledge management system

set clear expectations and why I am reading a book.

I review the table of content to generate a mental map. Since the book is on note-taking, I am very familiar with the topic. I needed just 2 minutes for this step. The book is separated into three main parts:

Selecting strategies

Connecting strategies


I come up with an hypothesis what the core idea of the book is. EG: The book is not about good atomic notes. It is about the effects of various ways of note-taking, the process of note-taking.

Bonus: How to Read Effective Notetaking to Improve Your Personal Iteration of the Zettelkasten Method

This is the current flow diagram of the Zettelkasten Method for the upcoming book.

I mapped the various sections of the book to the flow diagram to show you how my model of the Zettelkasten Method will absorb what I will find in the book:


Reading and Learning by Identification

  1. Highlighting important information
  1. Headings highlight structure
  1. making notes in lectures

Excerpts and Learning by Reformulation and Association

  1. Making note-taking an effective strategy
  1. Summaries
  1. Graphic summaries
  1. Understanding connection
  1. Elaboration strategies
  1. Concept maps

Processing and by Reformulation and Association

  1. Making note-taking an effective strategy
  1. Understanding connection
  1. Elaboration strategies

9 .Concept maps

Structuring, Integrating and Learning by Integrating

  1. Making note-taking an effective strategy
  1. Elaboration strategies


Putting into practice