Sean's Notes

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The Cosmic Notes Method

Sean Vosler's take on a PKMS

My personal 'Cosmic Notes Method' is a personalized strategy that builds upon many of the different Knowledge Management Strategies out there, there is no perfect 'one size fits all' strategy, and you'll likely define your own modified version of this strategy.

see full breakdown: The "Cosmic Notes Method" - A Means to Mastery

The idea is to clearly define the 'collection of information' process in two different but related ways. "Top Down", and "Bottom Up". | google domains


Here's an example blog post I compiled after researching the concept of category busting...
You'll notice that I created a piece of content about category busting while giving context in a story, the story of John Krasinski & his movie The Quiet Place. The idea to compare these two ideas came along (like most ideas do) by accident. I was watching an interview with him"A Quiet Place" Movie interview which reminded me of the category busting concept. In the moment I remember thinking "this interview would serve as an interesting way to present the concept of category busting". That idea lead to the article.
That article also served the purpose of solidifying my understanding of category busting. I was able to turn it into a story and share it with my reader.

How to write something useful...

Claim - based on your research what is an interesting, unique, or insightful claim you can make about the subject?
Proposition - what do you propose the answer to the claim is? What is your take?
Evidence - Support your claim and proposition with supporting evidence & your interpretation of the evidence.
What should we do with this information? - You've made your case, what should we do as the reader now that we're "in the know"?

Referenced in

Putting It All Together - A "Cosmic" Approach to Learning & Growth Skill Mastery

My personal 'Cosmic Notes Method' is a personalized strategy that builds upon many of the different Knowledge Management Strategies out there, there is no perfect 'one size fits all' strategy, and you'll likely define your own modified version of this strategy.

The Cosmic Notes Method

My personal 'Cosmic Notes Method' is a personalized strategy that builds upon many of the different Knowledge Management Strategies out there, there is no perfect 'one size fits all' strategy, and you'll likely define your own modified version of this strategy.