Sean's Notes

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Knowledge is conveyed by instructions, answers to how-to questions. Understanding is conveyed by explanations, answers to why questions.

Referenced in

Critical Thinking

Comprehension | Demonstrate Understanding of facts and ideas by organising, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptors and stating main ideas.

Critical Thinking

MyThought - CriticalThinking is a (the?) Process of evaluating and creating information, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom from Data. Following this process helps you create big-ideas and is an effective process of Idea-Development. Critical thinkings 'output' is Understanding and is a type of SyntheticThinking . The information that is inputted (through fact-finding & the knowledge we already have) are the bits of data that AnalyticalThinking is concerned with.

notes on note taking, information collection, and knowledge management

Understanding | If we push ourselves to add lots of links between our notes, that makes us think expansively about what other concepts might be related to what we’re thinking about. It creates pressure to think carefully about how ideas relate to each other - AnalyticalThinking - the difference between synthetic thinking & analytical thinking

From Data to Wisdom Russell Ackoff

Knowledge is conveyed by instructions, answers to how-to questions. Understanding is conveyed by explanations, answers to why questions.

Data, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom

Understanding = comprehension of how different principles relate to and influence each other, cause and effect (sweetness is determined by the proper balance of ingredients and properly putting them together in the right order)

notes on note taking, information collection, and knowledge management

Understanding | It’s best to create notes which are only about one thing—but which, as much as possible, capture the entirety of that thing.

notes on note taking, information collection, and knowledge management

Understanding | It’s best to factor Evergreen notes by concept (rather than by author, book, event, project, topic, etc). This way, you discover connections across books and domains as you update and link to the note over time