Sean's Notes

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Article: Make Yourself an Expert Harvard Business Review - April 2013


Almost every organization has people it can’t do without—specialists with “deep smarts,” who are the go-to experts on critical issues. But because their knowledge is experienced-based, it’s often instinctive and unarticulated, and never gets passed on. Capturing it is a challenge for both the organization and for colleagues who wish to become in-house authorities themselves.

This article offers a methodical system for acquiring deep smarts from an expert. It involves observing that person extensively to understand what makes him successful, practicing the behaviors he exhibits on your own, partnering with him to solve problems, and ultimately taking responsibility for some of his tasks. Describing the experiences of one executive as she takes this journey with a mentor, the authors show how you too can gain the wisdom that will make you indispensable to your firm.

[CHART] Tools For Building Deep SmartsC hart from article:

Sean's Notes


"deep smarts" - are business critical expertise, built through years of experience. These help make wise, swift decisions about both strategy and tactics. They are held by the "go to" people for a given type of knowledge in their organizations.

Deep smarts are mostly in experts heads, and they aren't easy to pass on. This is a problem for organizations and individuals.

Many professions build apprenticeships into their training systems, like doctors. Under the close guidance of the expert before practicing on their own.

Most management, knowledge worker, type jobs do not offer this. You are responsible for your own development

You must acquire deep smarts a different way.

Deep smarts are not just facts and data, they consist of know-how: skilled ways of thinking, making decisions, and behaving that lead to success again and again.

Deep smarts take time to develop. Only found in a few individuals.

Deep smarts in an organization can be lost when an individual leaves.


Deep smarts cant be hired off the street or right out of school.

Individuals who prove their ability to quickly and effectively acquire expertise will find themselves in great demand.

Why it's difficult to acquire deep smarts from experts.

by consciously thinking about how the experts in your organization operate and deliberately learning from them.

Learn how to identify elements of an experts knowledge and behavior that make them so valuable to an organization.

An expert might not actually articulate an approach to their solutions. They simply recognize patterns from experience and apply solutions that have worked well in the past.

It is second nature, similar to muscle memory.

Schools and formal training use "push" experience/training. They are taught processes or shown solutions - not experienced. This is not sufficient for acquiring knowledge.

You can't count on mentors to quit you with the skills and experience you need, you must learn how to "pull" deep smarts from others.

The system for acquiring deep smarts from a mentor.


observation | shadowing and expert and systematically analyzing what he or she does.

practice | identifying specific expert behavior or task you can attempt on your own, but with supervision and feedback.

partnering; joint problem solving. | actively working with the expert to analyze and address challenges.

taking responsibility | once you've accomplished those aspects of the learning process you can finally take over a significant part of the experts role. While doing so, you should deliberately reflect on each experience and internalize as much as possible.

How to acquire a mentor.

frame the conversation for help as an opportunity for both of you.

emphasize to structure the knowledge sharing in a way that minimizes the disruption to the experts schedule.

Create an action plan that outlines near term and ultimate goals and steps required to achieve them along with suggested deadlines.

Action Plan Outline


Immediate Goal: 2 Months

Add objective for the time frame here.


Add to do items during the time frame here


Short-term Goal: 6 Months

Add objective for the time frame here.


Add to do items during the time frame here

Partner & Problem Solve

Midterm Goal: 12 Months

Add objective for the time frame here.


Add to do items during the time frame here

Take Responsibility

Midterm Goal: 12 Months

Add objective for the time frame here.


Add to do items during the time frame here

Keep a Learning Log

as we go along learning with our mentor we want to keep a log of what we're learning.

We may assume we understand why an expert behaves as they do, but keeping a log forces you to check those assumptions.

Serves as an accurate record of progress

Allows you to re evaluate goals, and ensures you've learned what you and the expert intended.

Questions to answer in the log...

What was the context of the situation

What did the expert do and why did he do it?

What did I do, and what feedback did I get?

What worked?

What didn't?

What should I do next?

Be sure to listen closely, and observe body language if in person.

Motivation and discipline are required to preserver in learning.

Most experts are happy to lend help and coach with the right incentives.

Good judgement comes from the experience of having made decisions, but it's more effective and efficient to build expertise through experience guided by smart people around you.

Observe, practice, partner, and problem solve before you take responsibility.