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Why it's Hard to Stick to a Routine?

keypoint It isn't that people who have greater success, more money, and better marriages are happier as a results of those things, the research is very clear on this; the greater states of happiness precede all these outcomes. p.98 routines9

Why it's Hard to Stick to a Routine?

4. Be committed For the Long Haul routines9 p.226

Why it's Hard to Stick to a Routine?

5 Cultivate a Burning Desire Backed by Faith routines9 p.226

Why it's Hard to Stick to a Routine?

SOLUTION 1: You must FIRST See With the Eyes of Time routines9

Why it's Hard to Stick to a Routine?

sidenote "happiness movement vs. personal development" Far more people have a strong desire to be happy than a strong desire to develop themselves to a fuller potential. “Personal development” sounds to most people like work, and who wants to work harder than they are already working? But “happiness” doesn’t sound like work. It sounds like … well, it sounds like being happier. routines9 p.100 When you read all the research about what it takes to raise your level of happiness, you begin to realize that these scientists are describing exactly the same kinds of behaviors that all the personal development teachers have been advocating for decades, just applied in a slightly different context. And positive psychology, as it turns out, is the perfect mate to positive philosophy. In other words, the slight edge. p.101

Why it's Hard to Stick to a Routine?

routines9 - Essential points from Chapter 6 - p. 92

Why it's Hard to Stick to a Routine?

6: Be willing to Pay The Price routines9 p.228 (to be continued)

Why it's Hard to Stick to a Routine?

insight keypoint - Success always stems from small things, but you have to start with something. Success cannot be conjured up out of thin air. routines9 p.128

Why it's Hard to Stick to a Routine?

routines9 - Book: The Slight Edge // Jeff Olson

Why it's Hard to Stick to a Routine?

keypoint If routines are so easy to do, and so valuable, why don't we do them? routines9

Why it's Hard to Stick to a Routine?

keypoint "the slight edge" - routines - dailies - are boring in the short term, incredibly exciting in the long term. Making the right choices is not dramatic. If making the right choices were a dmaatic thing, you'd get immediate feedback. That doesn't happen: there is no immediate feedback. routines9 p.67

Why it's Hard to Stick to a Routine?

sidenote { THIS is the key identifier of if you should add something to your routine. WHAT small thing, done daily, will create a landslide of effects later. WHAT small things did you do in the past can you attribute to compound effects in successful parts of your life currently? } things that are ridiculously easy to do, but just as easy not to do. - p.58 routines9